Partial funding for construction/maintenance of this website was provided under a grant from FEMA's Grant Programs Directorate, U.S. Department of Homeland Security, and the Oklahoma Office of Homeland Security. Points of view or opinions expressed on this website do not necessarily represent the official position or policies of FEMA's Grant Programs Directorate, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, or the Oklahoma Office of Homeland Security.
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TitleVIIRS NPP 7 Day Fire
Date Typepublication
Organization Name
Presentation Form mapDigital
Abstract This dataset depicts hot spots detected by this satellite system for the current day and the previous 6 days. Near real-time (NRT) Suomi National Polar-orbiting Partnership (Suomi NPP) Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) Active Fire detection product is based on that instrument's 375 m nominal resolution data. Compared to other coarser resolution (≥1km) satellite fire detection products, the improved 375 m data provide greater response over fires of relatively small areas, as well as improved mapping of large fire perimeters. Consequently, the data are well suited for use in support of fire management (e.g., near real-time alert systems), as well as other science applications requiring improved fire mapping fidelity. The 375 m product complements the baseline Suomi NPP/VIIRS 750 m active fire detection and characterization data, which was originally designed to provide continuity to the existing 1 km Earth Observing System Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (EOS/MODIS) active fire data record. Due to frequent data saturation issues, the current 375 m fire product provides detection information only with no sub-pixel fire characterization. VNP14IMGTDL_NRT are available through NASA FIRMS in the following formats: TXT, SHP, KML, WMS. These data are also provided through the LANCE FIRMS Fire Email Alerts. Please note only the TXT and SHP files contain all the attributes.
Purpose Hot spot and wildfire detection
Status onGoing
Descriptive Keywords Wildfire, Hot Spots, World, Oklahoma
Access Constraints copyright
Other Constraints
Use Constraints otherRestictions
Other Constraints
Language eng
Topic Category Code boundaries
Geographic Bounding Box
North bound latitude
West bound longitudeEast bound longitude
South bound latitude
Distribution Information
Individual Name
Organization Name
Position Name
Postal Code
Electronic mail address
Hours of Service
Ordering Instructions
Transfer Size
Spatial Representation Information
Geometric Object Type
Geometric Object Count
Reference System
CodeWGS 1984
Data Quality
Evaluation Method
Topological Consistency
Absolute Positional Accuracy
Attribute Accuracy
Process Step
Responsible Party
Metadata StandardISO 19115:2003/19139